David Vallier shares a prophetic word for the church.
Understanding the foundation we have in the word of God and digging deeper into it is a key. This key grants both growth and success in our calling and walk with God. One of the most powerful weapons we have been given is the written word of God.
Join us as we hear from MorningStar Wilmington's new pastor, Travis Newton, as he describes what it looks like for the church to know it's calling and then walk it out in our daily lives.
In this episode, the team walks through Hands-on dream interpretation with an easy to use checklist. We look at what dreams mean and what kind of dreams the Lord gives us. God loves to give pictures as it makes us lean more on Him than our understanding. He is the Spirit of revelation and loves to share secrets with us. Enjoy!!
Do your dreams have any meaning? Is God using the night times to speak directly to you? In this episode, the team talks about dream interpretations and ways to foster a healthy dream life.
Continued... Part 2 • God has been speaking for longer than we imagine. The problem is that we have trouble perceiving it. In this episode, Martial and Travis share ways the Lord speak to us and how we can learn His language.
God has been speaking for longer than we imagine. The problem is that we have trouble perceiving it. In this episode, Martial and Travis share ways the Lord speak to us and how we can learn His language.
December 2024
#Series & Speakers
MorningStar Fellowship Wilmington
4201 Market Street Wilmington NC 28403 910.254.9844 |